Thursday, January 21, 2010

Websites and SEO: Expanding Your Business Locally

I discussed that without a website it will be difficult for your business to really thrive. There are exceptions to that rule of course but to the majority of businesses websites are an integral part of their company . This applies even if even if they only sell retail. There are many way you can expand your business locally and we discussed some local seo tips. Let's go into some further discussion about local seo. Keywords are an essential part of local seo. You want to make sure you have the right keywords that people are actually searching for and not what keywords you think they may be using. There is no need to try to figure it out since Google has done the work for you. Use the google keyword tool to find the most popular keywords for what you sell. Next step is to integrate those keywords and add the area you sell in such a "Italian Restaurant Bergen County" and so on. The other seo tip you want to try is link building. Link building means you want to try to get your website linked to from other sites and preferably sites that aelate to your business as you. The more relevant the site is to what you sell or service you provide the more "weight" it will carry with the search engines. Many people add a link page to their sites and  simply link to other sites they would like to be linked to and see if they will reciprocate while other simply email and request a link swap.Happy linking!

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